Thursday, June 26, 2008

Integrating Sources Summary

In order to support your idea, you need to have a good citation. Knowledge is built up Knowledge which means that a new knowledge is coming out from studying the already-known knowledge and conclude in to a new point of idea. As a result, the citation in an essay can be specify in to two catalogs: The primer source and secondary source. The primer ones is supported by the secondary ones. This would allows not only to support your idea but also to proof that your information is trustful to the readers.

Integrating Sources into a Paper
Before adding information in to your paper, there are a lots of things you need to be aware of . When summarizing a idea from another author in order to support yours, you need to do the following task.The first thing is to paraphrase. Then make the summary clear that you are summarizing not making a new idea and having your own opinion on the other author's idea. The last one is do not integrate far far alway from your idea. You need to make your reason of why you giving the readers the infromation.
Besides the summary of other's idea, using quating is another method of in tergating information to your paper. However, we should use quating only when it is better that paraphrasing and becareful of the rules of comma, close quatation marks,open quatation marks,etc. We can also quate a block if the quating is more than 10 sentances. Because we are giving out so much information in our paper, we should provide some footnot for the readers in order to read our essay more easily.

Citing Sources
We should be becareful og citing. There is time good to citi and time that is not. Beside there are bunches of rules of when to and when to not citing, I summarized them in to two main point. The first one is only use citation when they are strongly related to your idea but not to domaniting your essay since this is your essay not the others. The second point is do not make yourselves appear to be stupid in your own essay that you keep talking somthing everybody know and keep saying other's idea but not yours.
After you have consider what to citi, you need to do some technical work for the citing sources. Founding out what fromate your are using in your essay and follow the countries's rules where your essay will be presented.

Misuse of Sources
No ones want to be SUED because of plagiarism.
So, we had to clearify where the sources is and say it in our own way in order to show we are not just coping it from others. If you are working in a group, there is a potential risk of plagiarism since you ar all work together and share each other comments. You should only discuss and take note but not to speak out what your paper is. The last one is misunderstood an information or using an incorrect information. Your had to totally understand what you have read and critique it in your mind in order to see if it is right for your essay and not a joke.

Styles of Documentation
In this section, it is simply telling us about what format we can use in citation. citation can be presented in footnote, graphic, text, special information from a special field( for example, science),etc. After all, remember to referance all your sources at the end that your readers can refer to the informations.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Comment on the sea food AD.

Basically, I think the writer is trying to be funny and escape from just saying "Come and eat seafood". The orientation of the advertisement is a path leading you to the purpose of the poster. First, it say something which is likely to be true.Then it start to say something which is likely incorrect . Finally , it say something you are unsure about and start asking your self "Am I right about all these statement?". That is a way to make you follow the poster to the end.

12/6 Discussion Questions

1)Before I start standing in front of my desk, I will do something which is totally not related to the topic I am going to write. That's make my mind relax a little bit before it start working really hard. After that I will start writing and will not do anything else until I finish my main idea of my writing. When the body is finished, I will take a break. Then, I will go back to my paper and start sharping it. I found it really useful to found out mistakes in my paper.

2)I am a person who do not like to take risk. So, for most of the time, I don't like to knock down the bearing wall. However, when my own opinion is extremely strong in my mind, I will start put away those bearing wall. I think most of the bearing wall is created by social constructions. As a person who is not a protestant, social construction means a lot to them and it is not easy to have different of views against the common ideas in their mind.

3)Some of the thing she use in the metaphors is easy to let the reader gets what she is going to say.For example, she used the way of founding a honey tree to compare to finding the idea of your writing.However, I only those metaphors which I can get the physical image in my mind can involve me into her idea. When she talks about the comparison of writing life and others life, I feel the end of her idea is unclear to me.

4)Honestly, I do not like "mystical" in my writing. I like to explain things or express my idea in a solid way. I will point out what is my idea first and explain it below. Bringing up questions that people will ask according to my essay. That is because I am more likely to express to my own idea other than attracting people to follow my words. Writing to me is a expression of one's self. The style of writing is actually reflecting the personality of the writer, in my opinion.

5)The mystical part of her description to writing is some how a little bit entertaining to me. Although it seems slightly against my idea in the answer of 4), the metaphors helps her to explain the WRITING in a more efficient way. Also, it is part of her style too.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


1. The flooding was worst at the point where new Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania meet.

2.Because he loved to read, to write and to edit; Mr. Diamond was considering a career in library work marketing or publishing.

3. Salinger's first novel, The catcher in the Rye, captures the language and thoughts of teenagers.

4. He has only one ambition: to produce a Broadway musical.

5. If you blow out all your candles, your wish will come true.

6. The district managers represents four regions: Terry Simth, Rochester, NY; Chris Adler, Superior, WI; Kim Young, Chimayo, NM and Pat Golden, Tallahassee, FL.

7. The weather report predicted high winds, freezing rain ,and show the highway patrol advised caution when driving yet the storm blew out to sea.

8. My boss, who wears bright colors, is a cheerful person.

9. He hires people who are energetic, efficient and polite.

10. When asked what shewanted to be later in life she replied " An Olympic swimmer."

11. The governor issued this statement, " I have done nothing wrong; the IRS will find that my tax returns are all in order."

12. Scientists spotted large numbers of dolphins nurse, and great white sharks, and blue gray, and humpback whales near the offshore station.

13.She loves her car: a red Toyota.

14. If you drop by the doctor's office without an appointment, you can be sure of one thing: an icy reception.

15. His dog, a big Labrador retriever, is afraid of mice.

16. His recent painting, which is hanging in our local restaurant, shows dogs in various disguises.

17. His recent painting that is hanging in our local restaurant, shows dogs in various disguises.

Real-world grammar

Although my major is not linguistic and I am not in a writing profession, I can see that there is a lot of trick in grammar around us; in fact, most of them are the advertisement.

Comment the 1 ad.
Since it is a advertisement, it's main job is to tell you "what the produce(or in fact, the seller) want to tell you in order to persuade you to purchase. The first comma is used to show emphasizes in where the produce from that makes the viewer FEEL its is a good product .The second comma is used to separate the town and the state name.

Comment the 2 ad.
In my opinion, it did not have a really attractive and persuative ad.
However, the aim of this ad. is to attract you to go to the store. It just need to tell you where you should go to get the great deal.

Comment the 3 ad.
It is a hamburger. So,especially in U.S., the more things in the bun, the better. The commas is to separate the ingredients and to make the viewers feels there is a lot of things in the hambuger.

Comment the 4 ad.
In this ad, although the gramme is incorrect, the function of the semicolons, to let the readers have something to expect, did not change.
Aim-Money -----Want to know how----- Method- Trading

Comment the 5 ad.
This one is pretty straight forward. It is telling you the characteristic of their company.What more do you want in a pie? Sweet, creamy and delicous. Because of these three things in their pie, they become a famous company.