Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summary of the Craft of Research

This book is a illustration of the strategy of writing a research paper. Here is some of the part which I think is most important to writers:

The first important thing we should do is to write down every idea pop up in your mind and every detail from the sources which you think it is worth to mention in your paper.This would help you to remember the ideas, understand the idea and finally the most important part : to develop the idea in your own perspective. However, we should be careful of the way you write. Because you are writing a research paper, you should not just using "you" or "what you think" when you are discussing or developing the ideas.

The second thing is to narrow your topic. A topic which is too wide can lead to a failure of ideas development. We can start a topic by questioning about it. Besides, it is easy for us to think critically.When we are questioning, we are expected to solve the problem too. Also, we shoild keep in mind that some of the readers are just reading you essay for fun, they are not really seeking for a answer to a problem. As a result, we should get their interest to the problem and led them to the answer.

The last one is the spirit of your essay- the arrguement. Only when we do a good arrgument can gain our audiences's attention and strenght our point of view. The begining is to make a claim. Obviously, the claim is the idea of your essay and you would like to discuss it. So, after we give out a claim. we need to have reason and evidences. In order to have a good arrgument, we should not only give out only one or couple reasons. The reasons and the evidences should be link together or in otherwords, they are collbrate with each other. For example, because there is reason A, we can bring up reaon a, b, c..... in a logicla way.

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